freelancer work vetted from latin america

Vetted, verified, and curated freelance talent from Latin America

We match you with incredible freelancers, curated by Crema, so that you can spend less time searching and more time generating income with your freelancers

Exceptional, high quality talent that cost 50-80% less than US equivalent

Trusted by Global innovators

The problem with freelancers: finding the right one is hard

We curate the freelancers for you, based on your specific needs.

Our promise to you: High performers only!

We give you the best freelancer possible. If you’re not satisfied, we will swap them for a new one at no cost.

freelancer work web design latin america

High quality talent that cost 50-80% less than US equivalent


High quality talent that cost 50-80% less than US equivalent -

Working with us

  1. Tell us what you need

  2. We curate the 3+ best available free

  3. Choose your favorite and get to work

  4. We take care of all the admin, payments etc.

  5. If you’re not happy with your freelancer, we find you a new one at no cost to you

latin america freelancer work remote
Juan Pablo de Urzaiz from Cococo Ventures

Juan Carlos de Urzaiz - COCOCO VENTURES

“I use a lot of freelancers in my business. My biggest issue is the time it takes to find quality freelancers that I can trust to do the job. With Curated by Crema, that is no longer an issue.”

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What is Curated - By Crema?

Curated by Crema is a platform that helps you access vetted, verified and curated Latin American freelance talent for your needs. We curate freelancers from Latin America that can do the same, or more than their US equivalent at a 50-80% discount.

How much does Curated - By Crema cost?

We take a 10-15% commission for curating and administrating your new freelancer(s).

How does Curated - By Crema work?

We curate 3+ freelancers for you and you choose which one you want to go forward with and hire for your project. We take care of the admin and payment and if you are not satisfied with your freelancer, we will change them at no cost.

How can I trust the freelancer you recommend me?

All freelancers have been vetted and verified by us. That means they have passed selection tests, language tests, and background checks. In addition, we have years of experience from Crema and working with freelancers for more than a decade, we know what to look for. We know how to find the real, high-quality talent, and we know how to match them to your needs.

What is Crema?

Crema is a payments platform designed for international freelancers and the businesses that pay and work with them. Crema is an industry leader in the freelance space in Latin America with deep experience in how to curate freelancers for businesses. Which is why we launched Curated

What languages do the freelancers speak?

All freelancers have been vetted and verified by us, that includes a language test to see if they are sufficient in communicating in both English and Spanish. Sometimes they even speak several other languages.

Share us your project needs to schedule a call.

Let us know what you're looking for, and schedule a call with us today so we can find the perfect freelancer for you.

We will analyze your needs and connect you with the perfect freelancers for your project.

Don't worry, we've got your back every step of the way!